Change to the Set Up of Elections

Effective 11/7/2023

Since the Votes Act of 2020, the requirements of what is necessary at elections has changed., Beginning with the November 7, 2023 election, you will see the following changes  at the polls.

  • We are no longer required to have a “Check-Out” table. Voters will enter the polling location and will face the check in table
  • Poll workers will check in voters and provide their ballot. As always, the check in list is alphabetical by street so the voter will go to the poll worker that has their street, check in and receive their ballot.
  • Voters will then go to the booth,  mark their ballot, deposit their ballot in the tabulator and  exit the polling location.

Depending on the election, the number of check-in workers will fluctuate. We may also have a greeter to help direct people.

If there are any questions about this change, please contact the Town Clerk’s office.